Research Group on Smoking Cessation

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The object of our research group on smoking cessation is the evaluation of behavioural smoking cessation programmes for efficacy, practicability and long-term abstinence. Abstinence predicting factors are taken into account for development of more effective intervention programmes.

Currently specific smoking cessation programmes for smokers with special risk factors for tobacco-associated diseases (vascular diseases, pregnancy, intake of contraceptives) are developed and examined.

More present research topics concentrate on the relationship of degree of nicotine dependency (indicated by the Fagerstroem Test for Nicotine Dependence) and therapy outcome, the influence of motivational factors on smoking among pregnant smokers and the relevance of smoking in patients with psychiatric disorders.

Project Leader: Dr. Anil Batra
Co-workers: Dipl.-Psych. Peter Schupp
Grants by: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG):
7/1991-6/1993: Bu 474/3-1
7/1993-6/1994: Bu 474/3-2
7/1995-6/1997: Bu 474/6-1
fortüne: F.1331094.1
Selected References:
  1. Batra A, Buchkremer G (1992) Tobacco addiction and nonpharmacological approaches to smoking cessation. International Journal of Smoking Cessation 1(3), 38-43
  2. Batra A, Brömer A, Grüninger K, Schupp P, Buchkremer G (1994) Verhaltenstherapeutische Raucherentwöhnung in Arztpraxen. Verhaltensmodifikation und Verhaltensmedizin, 15(4), 364-376
  3. Heuer-Jung V, Batra A, Buchkremer G (1996) Raucherentwöhnung bei speziellen Risikogruppen: Schwangere Frauen und Raucherinnen mit Kontrazeptivaeinnahme. Praxis der Klinischen Verhaltensmedizin und Rehabilitation, 34: 114-117
  4. Batra A, Buchkremer G (1997) Die Behandlung der TabakabhΣngigkeit - neue Strategien und M÷glichkeiten in der Σrztlichen Praxis. Nervenheilkunde, 16: 222-226
Address: Dr. A. Batra
Universitätsklinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie
Osianderstr. 24
D-72076 Tübingen

Telephone: +49-7071-298-2684
Telefax: +49-7071-29-4141

Links: The Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (SRNT):(internet-link: "")

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Visitors since 04/03/1997:

Copyright: Dr.Anil Batra( , Dr. TiloKircher( , Prof. Dr. Mathias Bartels
( Last revised on 28/07/1997 by Dr. A. Batra

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